BEWARE! Sellers account is 5 months old, selling small items. My purchase wasn’t shipped. Seller marked it as shipped. He attached another buyers tracking number to my order. A 5LB package , too light to be my car. Seller is scamming people. Seller blocked the ability to see the shipping address on the tracking number. I bought through eBay bc I trust eBay. Please look into this seller EBay! Seller blocked the ability to see the shipping address on the tracking number.
I purchased the product then was told it was out of stock. It shouldn’t even be listed if it’s not available.
BEWARE! Sellers account is 5 months old, selling small items. My purchase wasn’t shipped. Seller marked it as shipped. He attached another buyers tracking number to my order. A 5LB package , too light to be my car. Seller is scamming people. Seller blocked the ability to see the shipping address on the tracking number. I bought through eBay bc I trust eBay. Please look into this seller EBay! Seller blocked the ability to see the shipping address on the tracking number.